Minggu, 14 Agustus 2011

Why Cats Can not Fall Reversed?

You've probably seen a cat that fell from a high place and then turned him over and can land smoothly and no injuries. Why can? This happens because the cat (and some other animals) have a system of balance and coordination is incredible. The system is what makes a cat, when dropped, will realize in what position he fell. If he falls in the inverted position, he will soon be turned so that her feet are next to bottom, and prepare for landing.
Landing is also not home stretch our legs. If a man falls from high places with the foot down, it usually must be broken. If cats clever, they are after turning the foot down, stretched her legs so that the wind immediately hold down his body. And when in contact with the ground, legs bent so that the direct effect of discouraging the fall.
The highest record ever recorded that the cat had fallen from a height of 46 floor levels (although as he fell he had bounced bounced to the canopy) and can still get up and running with a somewhat limping, her extraordinary.
When humans die tuh kemungki. But research shows that the higher the cat falls, the more broken bones. That can happen only when he fell from at least limit the 5th floor level only. Moreover, the number of cats broken bones dropped dramatically, especially if higher.
Well the secret is, cats (and some other animals) have what is called the terminal velocity, the maximum falling speed of 60 miles an hour. When cats fall, according to the laws of physics, the cat falling speed increase.
Apparently, when the speed of a cat falling reach terminal velocity, at the time that cats feel most relaxed and comfortable. So he began to stretch his legs like footpads to reduce the effects of the fall.
Well that's why the higher he falls, the more there is a chance for him to feel relaxed. That is also why if dijatuhin from a low place, he did not get to feel relaxed. So the fall is more tasteless.

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