Did you know that cats are the pets of the Prophet? But the Prophet loves all animals and they all treated noble. Many stories about cats (kerana cats are animals that many people wandering around). Even the prophet also has a pet catWhenever the Prophet received guests in the house, the prophet ALWAYS carry mueeza (cat's name) and put di pahanya. One of nature's most prophets Mueeza like:
'Mueeza always meow when he heard the call to prayer, as if ngeongnya as follows chanting call to prayer'
The Prophet instructed to love like a pet cat menyanyangi own family.
Then, ever the prophet also like to take his mantle, eh Muezza sleeping on it .. The Prophet also cut parts of the sleeves of his robe who slept mueeza so as not to wake Muezza.
When the Prophet went home, woke Muezza and ducked to his employer. In return, the Prophet expressed his affection by gently stroking the cat's body. The Prophet emphasized in several hadiths that the cat was not unclean. Even allowed to perform ablutions with water used to drink a cat because it was considered sacred. Why did the Prophet who was blind to read and write, dared to say that the holy cats, not unclean? Then, how the Prophet knew that the cat's body did not have unclean?
A feature of the CAT
In the skin there are cat muscle that serves to resist bacteria eggs. The cat's muscles can also adjust with the touch of a human muscle.
Cat tongue surface covered by numerous small, pointed bumps, lumps like a miser is curved conical or saws. This form is very useful to cleanse the skin. When the cats drink, no setitis any liquid that falls from his tongue.
While the cat's tongue itself is the most advanced cleaning tool, the rough surface may dispose of the feathers off and clean the feathers left in his body.
Has done various research on cats and various age distinction, distinction the position of the skin, back, happier in the soles of the feet, mouth protector, and a tail. In the sections are done sampling with sweep. In addition, also planting the germs carried on special parts. Continue to be taken that there is also a special fluid on the wall in the mouth and tongue.
Outcome is obtained is:
1. Results taken from the outer skin poorer berkuman negative, although done repeatedly.2. Comparison of the implanted germ give a negative result about 80% when viewed from the fluid taken from the walls of the mouth.3. Fluid taken from the surface of the tongue also give a negative result berkuman.4. Once there are bacteria that are found during the research process, the bacteria enter the group of germs that are considered as common germs that thrive on the human body in such limited quantities, Enterobacter, Streptococcus, and taphylococcus. The amount is less and 50 thousand of growth.5. Not found a diverse group of bacteria.
Various reliable sources and results of laboratory studies concluded that cats do not have germs and microbes. Clean and clear saliva.
Komen experts in the field The Doctor Germ
According to Drs. George Maqshud, chairman of the laboratory at the clinic Haiwan Baitharah, rarely found the existence of germs in a cat's tongue. If the germ was there, then the cat will be sick.
Dr. Genes Gustafsirl found that germs are most numerous in dogs, humans fourth dog, a cat half human. Haiwan doctorate in veterinary hospital Damascus, Sa'id Rafah confirmed that a cat has a cleaning device is named lysozyme.
Cats do not like water kerana water is a very fertile for the growth of bacteria, especially in a puddle of water (mud, rain puddles, etc.). Cats also are maintaining the stability of the warmth of her body. He is dull and not dekat2 sunbathing with water. The goal is that bacteria do not move him. This is a factor the absence of germs on the body of a cat.
And the results of research studies have been done in the laboratory haiwan, clean the cat was found that the agency as a whole. He is cleaner than humans.
The rest of the holy law of cat food.
Hadith Kabsyah bint Ka'b bin Malik reported that Abu Qatadah, Kabsyah in-law, came to his house and he poured the water for ablution. At that time, came a cat who wants to drink. Then he poured water on the vessel until the cat is drinking.
Kabsyah said, "Look." Abu Qatadah said, "Are you surprised?" He replied, "Yes."Then, Abu Qatadah prnh said that the Prophet said, "The cat was not unclean. He likes animals around the house (animal housing), "(Reported by At-Tirmidhi, An-Nasa'i, Abu Dawud, and Ibn Majah).
Narrated and Ali ibn al-Hasan, and Anas, who relates that the Prophet went to Bathhan an area in Medina. Then, he said, "Yes Anas, pour water into the vessel ablution for me."Then, pour water Anas. When finished, the Prophet to the vessel. However, a cat came and licked vessel. Seeing that, the Prophet stopped until the cat has stopped drinking and ablution.The Prophet was asked about the incident, he replied, "Yes Anas, including jewelry cat households, it is not littered with something, there is not even odious."
Dawud narrated from ibn Salih At-Tammar and his mother, explaining that his slave to give Aisha a bowl of porridge. However, when he got home Aisha, Aisha poorer praying. Then, he signaled to put it. Unfortunately, after completing the prayer Aisha, he forgets there is porridge. Come to a cat, and ate the little porridge. When she saw the porridge was eaten by a cat, then clean bahagiian Aisha who touched the cat, and Aisha eat it.Allah's Apostle said, "He is not defiled. He is an animal around. "Aisha had seen the Prophet ablution of the rest of the cat licking, (HR AlBaihaqi, Abd al-Razzaq, and Al-Daruquthni).
This hadith is narrated from Malik, Ahmad, and another hadith imam. By kerana, the cat is an animal, a body, the sweat, the former from the rest of the holy food.
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