Minggu, 14 Agustus 2011

Why Cats Can not Fall Reversed?

You've probably seen a cat that fell from a high place and then turned him over and can land smoothly and no injuries. Why can? This happens because the cat (and some other animals) have a system of balance and coordination is incredible. The system is what makes a cat, when dropped, will realize in what position he fell. If he falls in the inverted position, he will soon be turned so that her feet are next to bottom, and prepare for landing.
Landing is also not home stretch our legs. If a man falls from high places with the foot down, it usually must be broken. If cats clever, they are after turning the foot down, stretched her legs so that the wind immediately hold down his body. And when in contact with the ground, legs bent so that the direct effect of discouraging the fall.
The highest record ever recorded that the cat had fallen from a height of 46 floor levels (although as he fell he had bounced bounced to the canopy) and can still get up and running with a somewhat limping, her extraordinary.
When humans die tuh kemungki. But research shows that the higher the cat falls, the more broken bones. That can happen only when he fell from at least limit the 5th floor level only. Moreover, the number of cats broken bones dropped dramatically, especially if higher.
Well the secret is, cats (and some other animals) have what is called the terminal velocity, the maximum falling speed of 60 miles an hour. When cats fall, according to the laws of physics, the cat falling speed increase.
Apparently, when the speed of a cat falling reach terminal velocity, at the time that cats feel most relaxed and comfortable. So he began to stretch his legs like footpads to reduce the effects of the fall.
Well that's why the higher he falls, the more there is a chance for him to feel relaxed. That is also why if dijatuhin from a low place, he did not get to feel relaxed. So the fall is more tasteless.

Unique Home-Based Cat Facts

Did you know, cats (Felis Catus silvestrid-), mainly a house cat is one of the most powerful predators in the world. Cats are capable of killing or eating several thousand species, beat the big cats such as lions, tigers, and the like are only able to prey on less than 100 species.Namun because its size is small, it is not harmful to humans. But still it is very dangerous if a cat is infected with rabies.
Cats have been associated with human life at least since 3500 years ago. When the ancient Egyptians had used a cat to repel rodents and rodent pests other than their crops.
However, believe it or not, in this world there is only 1% of the world's cat population that includes pure or cat race. The rest is a cat the result of mixing of different races or what we commonly refer to as a cat home. Therefore, cat cat races including the most frequently sought after and expensive.
In Indonesia, a cat is often written with the word "Meow". In the English language used in America, a cat is often written with "Meow". In the UK alone, a cat is written "Miaow". If the Japanese are often written with the word "Him".
Cats typically weigh between 2.5 to 7 pounds and rarely exceed 10 kg, unless the excess is fed, the pussy can reach 23 kg body weight. In captivity, cats can live for 15 to 20 years, where the oldest cat ever known was 36 years old! Wild cats that live in the modern urban environment can only live for 2 years or even less than that.
Cats, including animals that are very clean. They often treat themselves by licking their hair. Their saliva is a powerful cleaning agent. but can trigger allergies in humans.Sometimes a kind of cat vomit hairball or curler collected in his stomach. Meanwhile, a cat can save energy by sleeping more often than other animals.Older cats sleep varies between 12-16 hours per day, with the average 13-14 hours. But it is not rare for a cat who slept for 20 hours in a day.

tips on choosing a cat

Cats are carnivorous. Cat lineage officially recorded as a cat race or pure (pure breed) of them from the kind of Persian, Siamese, Manx and sphinx. The number of cat race is just 1% of all cats in the world, the rest is a cat with a mixed ancestry, like stray cats or cat home.
"Do not buy a cat in a sack", that's a term we often hear. Means do not buy things that we do not know the form or condition of the goods.
How about buying a cat in a real sense? How do I select?
Please refer to some Tips for Choosing Cat follows:
1. Make sure the cat in a healthy condition free from various diseases. Despite a healthy cat to sleep characteristics will wake up & respond when stroked.2. No physical disability3. Check for cleanliness and health of the ear from ear parasites (scabies)4. Select a furry cat healthy. If there is fungus on the skin is not selected, because it can be transmitted to humans.5. Choose a cat free of fleas. Indicate cat fleas or less manicured surroundings are less precise.6. Choose a cat droppings normal solid, not watery or liquid. form a watery feces (diarrhea) can be caused by bacteria or worms.7. Choose a cat that is not aggressive and docile, so as not to endanger other cats or humans

Choose a cat or kitten home race?
Choice in a cat or kitten home race depending on your preference. Purchase price and cost factors should also be a consideration perwatan.Compared to the village cat, race cat cost much more, as well as maintenance costs. Cats are also very sensitive to racial environment changes, feeding and maintenance.

Choose a long-haired cat or short haired?
Selection of long-or short-haired cat was strongly associated with maintenance. The long-haired cat is easy to dirty and matted.Therefore, these cats require intensive care. In contrast, short-haired cat is easier to maintain.

Choose a kitten or adult cat?
When going to buy a cat, sometimes we are puzzled to select a puppy adult cat or cats. The determination of this option is strongly associated with the budget funds available. Price kittens must take more expensive than adult cats. However, puppies cats require intensive care so it needs to flow a lot more time.
Beri peringkat terjemahan

Why Cats Being Beloved Prophet Beast?

Did you know that cats are the pets of the Prophet? But the Prophet loves all animals and they all treated noble. Many stories about cats (kerana cats are animals that many people wandering around). Even the prophet also has a pet catWhenever the Prophet received guests in the house, the prophet ALWAYS carry mueeza (cat's name) and put di pahanya. One of nature's most prophets Mueeza like:
'Mueeza always meow when he heard the call to prayer, as if ngeongnya as follows chanting call to prayer'
The Prophet instructed to love like a pet cat menyanyangi own family.
Then, ever the prophet also like to take his mantle, eh Muezza sleeping on it .. The Prophet also cut parts of the sleeves of his robe who slept mueeza so as not to wake Muezza.
When the Prophet went home, woke Muezza and ducked to his employer. In return, the Prophet expressed his affection by gently stroking the cat's body. The Prophet emphasized in several hadiths that the cat was not unclean. Even allowed to perform ablutions with water used to drink a cat because it was considered sacred. Why did the Prophet who was blind to read and write, dared to say that the holy cats, not unclean? Then, how the Prophet knew that the cat's body did not have unclean?

A feature of the CAT

In the skin there are cat muscle that serves to resist bacteria eggs. The cat's muscles can also adjust with the touch of a human muscle.
Cat tongue surface covered by numerous small, pointed bumps, lumps like a miser is curved conical or saws. This form is very useful to cleanse the skin. When the cats drink, no setitis any liquid that falls from his tongue.
While the cat's tongue itself is the most advanced cleaning tool, the rough surface may dispose of the feathers off and clean the feathers left in his body.
Has done various research on cats and various age distinction, distinction the position of the skin, back, happier in the soles of the feet, mouth protector, and a tail. In the sections are done sampling with sweep. In addition, also planting the germs carried on special parts. Continue to be taken that there is also a special fluid on the wall in the mouth and tongue.
Outcome is obtained is:
1. Results taken from the outer skin poorer berkuman negative, although done repeatedly.2. Comparison of the implanted germ give a negative result about 80% when viewed from the fluid taken from the walls of the mouth.3. Fluid taken from the surface of the tongue also give a negative result berkuman.4. Once there are bacteria that are found during the research process, the bacteria enter the group of germs that are considered as common germs that thrive on the human body in such limited quantities, Enterobacter, Streptococcus, and taphylococcus. The amount is less and 50 thousand of growth.5. Not found a diverse group of bacteria.
Various reliable sources and results of laboratory studies concluded that cats do not have germs and microbes. Clean and clear saliva.

Komen experts in the field The Doctor Germ
According to Drs. George Maqshud, chairman of the laboratory at the clinic Haiwan Baitharah, rarely found the existence of germs in a cat's tongue. If the germ was there, then the cat will be sick.
Dr. Genes Gustafsirl found that germs are most numerous in dogs, humans fourth dog, a cat half human. Haiwan doctorate in veterinary hospital Damascus, Sa'id Rafah confirmed that a cat has a cleaning device is named lysozyme.
Cats do not like water kerana water is a very fertile for the growth of bacteria, especially in a puddle of water (mud, rain puddles, etc.). Cats also are maintaining the stability of the warmth of her body. He is dull and not dekat2 sunbathing with water. The goal is that bacteria do not move him. This is a factor the absence of germs on the body of a cat.
And the results of research studies have been done in the laboratory haiwan, clean the cat was found that the agency as a whole. He is cleaner than humans.
The rest of the holy law of cat food.
Hadith Kabsyah bint Ka'b bin Malik reported that Abu Qatadah, Kabsyah in-law, came to his house and he poured the water for ablution. At that time, came a cat who wants to drink. Then he poured water on the vessel until the cat is drinking.
Kabsyah said, "Look." Abu Qatadah said, "Are you surprised?" He replied, "Yes."Then, Abu Qatadah prnh said that the Prophet said, "The cat was not unclean. He likes animals around the house (animal housing), "(Reported by At-Tirmidhi, An-Nasa'i, Abu Dawud, and Ibn Majah).
Narrated and Ali ibn al-Hasan, and Anas, who relates that the Prophet went to Bathhan an area in Medina. Then, he said, "Yes Anas, pour water into the vessel ablution for me."Then, pour water Anas. When finished, the Prophet to the vessel. However, a cat came and licked vessel. Seeing that, the Prophet stopped until the cat has stopped drinking and ablution.The Prophet was asked about the incident, he replied, "Yes Anas, including jewelry cat households, it is not littered with something, there is not even odious."
Dawud narrated from ibn Salih At-Tammar and his mother, explaining that his slave to give Aisha a bowl of porridge. However, when he got home Aisha, Aisha poorer praying. Then, he signaled to put it. Unfortunately, after completing the prayer Aisha, he forgets there is porridge. Come to a cat, and ate the little porridge. When she saw the porridge was eaten by a cat, then clean bahagiian Aisha who touched the cat, and Aisha eat it.Allah's Apostle said, "He is not defiled. He is an animal around. "Aisha had seen the Prophet ablution of the rest of the cat licking, (HR AlBaihaqi, Abd al-Razzaq, and Al-Daruquthni).
This hadith is narrated from Malik, Ahmad, and another hadith imam. By kerana, the cat is an animal, a body, the sweat, the former from the rest of the holy food.





(kayak di-chan ya.....!heheehe)
bonus!!!q ada video kucing maen daun kering!
sumber  blogger.com

10 Kucing Terbesar di Dunia

Pernahkah anada melihat hewan kucing dnegan bobot yang sangat besar ? klo belum lihatlah gambar2 berikut ini

1. Tiddles of Paddington Station

2. Tubcat

3. Xu Jirong Chinese Fat Cat.

4. The Dwallibees Kailee.

5. Sassy aka "Munchkin"

6. Mikesch, a German Fat Cat

7. Katy, a Russian Fat Cat

8. Leo, the World's Longest Cat

9. Riley, a 24-Lb. Maine Coon

10. Snowball the Giant Nuclear Mutant Cat

Chatting with Kucing

Ketika mengetik keyword "kucing" di google image search, diri ini jadi teringat akan kucing-kucingku dulu. Ada belang, nonong, manis, sipus dll dengan kepribadian sendiri-sendiri. Berbagai cerita dan peristiwa terjadi di antara kami dan antar kucing-kucing ini. Gebuk-gebukan tanpa ampun dengan kucing menyebalkan pencuri ayam goreng, sampai terharu pada kucing pemberani pengusir ular kecil dari kamar. Yang paling teringat adalah romansa cinta segitiga antara belang, manis dan nonong. Belang kucing kekar, playboy kampung tapi bingungan, manis kucing cantik dengan meongan yang menggoda, dan nonong si kucing hitam kecil crewet bin judes yang kekanakan. Belang sebelumnya berdua dengan Nonong, tapi entah kenapa suatu hari Belang pulang dengan membawa Manis. Wah, ya tentu saja Nonong ndak terima. Makanya tiap hari ribut melulu antara Manis dan Nonong. Lalu Belang? Yup, sinetron banget, cuma memandang dengan tak berdaya... (apa bangga ya? meneketehe hehe..)

Kucing ternyata juga punya berbagai tingkatan intelektual. Ada yang pinter nangkap tikus, ngusir ular, sampe yang agak oon cuma nangkap cicak sama belalang. Kucing bisa manjat pohon kelapa tapi ada yang ndak bisa turun, jadi nangkring seharian. Selain itu, kucing juga berpengaruh dalam hidup orang-orang di sekitarnya. Contohnya, ternyata bulu-bulu kucing-lah membuat pilek dan asmaku sering kambuh. Karena pemalas adalah sifat abadi kucing maka blass ga ada satupun kucing yang rajin, dan ini sering nular ke pemiliknya hehehe.... Umumnya suka pipis sembarangan dan bikin rumah kayak toilet umum. Kucing-kucing sering berkutu, mengasyikan untuk diburu dan "diphithesin" satu-satu. Benar-benar deh, jauh dari kalian membuatku sehat, namun juga rindu tampang bloon kalian T-T

Kucing Obesitas
Nemu foto kucing kayak gini, jadi ngebayangin tiap hari makan berapa kilo nasi ya. Jangan sampai yang punya kurus sementara kucingnya overweight kayak gini....
Ih gayanya bossy banget. Maklum kerjanya makan tidur sama meong-meong. Mana sempet joging sambil ngejar tikus ya. Hehe yang kuning persis kucingku dulu....

Kucing oon
Kucing begini bisa dipastikan tipe yang tak pinter. Tapi biasanya kucing oon lebih aman dan terkendali (pengalaman.com)

Kucing habis nyuri
Ya, jadi inget wajah kucing-kucingku kalo habis nyuri. Dari yang ngumpet, sok inocent sampe sok imut

Kucing habis mandi
Sampai sekarang msih belum tau kenapa kok kucing benci air. Jutek banget mukanya kalo habis dimandiin, tapi biarpun ngambek tetep lucu tuh hehe, dia pikir dia serem :D.

Kucing hitam
Kucing hitam memang serem. Apalagi kalo besembunyi di kolong Cuma keliatan matanya yang kuning menyala. Hiii.
Dulu pernah punya kucing hitam, tapi ada putihnya sedikit di moncongnya (bukan lambang partai.com)

Kucing ngelamun
Duhh.. posenya. Kayaknya reinkarnasi artis model yang jadi politikus. Sok mikir negara nih kucing wkwkwk...

Kucing masih anak-anak
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Kucing tertekan
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Kucing di tempat Eyang
Ini Kucing2 di tempat Eyang, ya dah keliatan kan... mualesnya hehehe...
Ah kucing, napa gua jadi lebay gini ya...